A new governor was appointed and the prison received a more favourable report last year. 去年一位新的管理者上任后,监狱曾收到一份令人满意的报告。
Six months later, the police station received a report that Li again in the rental house arrested two pairs are engaged in prostitution activities of the staff. 半年以后,派出所民警接到举报,再次在李某的出租房里抓获两对正在从事卖淫嫖娼活动的人员。
But when Mr Bush received the report in early December, he seemed disinclined to accept its main recommendations on dialogue with Iran and Syria and a reduction of American troops. 但当布什12月初接到报告时,他似乎不愿接受其中的主要建议:即与伊朗和叙利亚进行对话,并减少在伊美军数量。
They received support in a report last month by Dr Brian Postl, the federal adviser on waiting times, who was appointed by the previous Liberal government. 布莱恩•波斯托博士,前政府任命的联邦就医等候时间顾问,在上周发表的一份报告中给与了他们支持。
Team members received a personal Team Management Profile report which gives them positive feedback about the way they prefer to work. 团队成员会收到个人的团队管理档案报告,其中对他们喜欢的工作方式有积极反馈。
We received a report dating from Beijing. 我们收到一篇发自北京并注明日期的报道。
National Hand, Foot and Mouth disease outbreak in order to disseminate the main hand, foot and mouth disease has not received a public health emergency report. 全国手足口病疫情以散发为主,未接到手足口病突发公共卫生事件报告。
I was expecting to have received your report before today. 我在今天之前就期待着收到你的报告。
I have received a report on his studies. 我收到了关于他学习(情况)的报告。
He received the communiqu? And report back. 他收到了这个信息并且返回报告给我。
The policemen set out to the spot immediately they received the report. 警察一收到报告,就马上出发到现场。
The candidates will received their Test Report Forms with one month after they finished their test. 考生将在考试结束后一个月内收到成绩单。
If you think that you received a fraudulent e-mail message, you can report the problem and attach the suspicious message. 如果您认为收到了诈骗性电子邮件,则可以举报该问题并附加可疑邮件。
WHO received the first report of an oseltamivir-resistant pandemic virus in July. 世卫组织在今年7月首次收到关于大流行性流感病毒对奥司他韦具有耐药性的报告。
England received a stronger evaluation report than Russia and their final presentation on Thursday was described by Fifa president Sepp Blatter as "excellent and remarkable". 英格兰的评估报告要好于俄国,而且周四的陈述被布拉特称为“非常好的”。
Not until he received the report did he refuse to make any comment. 他拒绝发表意见直到他收到这个消息。
His sparkle faded abruptly, and I soon thereafter received a letter ordering me to report to an infantry regiment. 他眼中光芒马上消失。不久之后,我收到军函,要我向步兵团报到。
In December, Shriver received a CIA notice to report in May for final employment processing in Washington, DC. 11月,施里弗收到了中央情报局五月份发的一份关于在华盛顿特区终面的通知。
The buyer will settle the payment according to the contract after received the test report and other related documentations ( Packing list, Invoice of Goods etc.). 买方在收到质检报告、装箱单、货物发票等其他文件后按合同约定付款。
In February 1916, I received an instant order to report for duty to south Hampton. The emergency order rushed the men off their feet, and they had barely time to get their uniforms on before they were on the march to their destination. 在1916年一月,我收到一个紧急命令,叫我汇报工作后到南汉普顿。紧急命令催促着战士们立即行动,他们刚穿上衣服,就向目的地进发了。
We have received the Survey Report today from the authorities. 我们今天收到官方的质检报告。
We have received a couple of phone calls to report that the newly upgraded virus-blocking software falls short. 我们已经接到了好几个电话,报告新近升级的病毒拦截软件的性能不尽人意。
The day you received orders to report for duty. 那天你收到命令去述职责。
No one at the club was available for comment, but police confirmed they had received a report of the theft. 俱乐部方面还没人对此发言,但是警方宣布他们接到了一个被盗报警。
We haven't yet received any comprehensive report from the field. 我们还没有从灾区现场收到任何综合性报告。
This system can offer real-time and bidirectional communications with the on-board remote electric energy consumption monitoring device, while processing received locomotive operation data and generating relative report forms. 该系统能够实时地与车载远程能耗监测装置进行双向通信,并对接收的机车运行数据做了相应的处理、生成相关的报表。
SQL Server Database is used for saving data that received on-line, and supplying for report query. SqlServer数据库用于保存在线接收的数据,供报表查询使用。